Our lil bit arrived Tuesday morning at 8:21 am weighing 7 lbs 8.6 oz and 18 1/2 in long, Jentri Jane Phipps joined us!

Landry's birth came with lots of complications so we weren't sure what to expect with this one... it HAD to be better though. There were a few problems left from the scar tissue of my first delivery and that is what took them so long to get her out, but once she was out we new she had arrived. She cried loudly and flashed that massive amount of dark hair. I told you the last sono showed lots of hair, but I wasn't expecting it to be so dark. I don't know why... both Brett and I came into this world with LOTS of dark hair. Our first day and night were a bit rough. Up lots and little sleep! Days two and three in the hospital went fabulous. As a matter of fact they went so well I got to come home tonight! It is always good to be back in your own bed, and your own home. Landry has been a trooper.

He stayed with Lute and KB for the last two nights, and was excited we were going home. We got in the car and he said to me.. "I'm so excited that we are going home and we get to keep Jentri forever!" He has been fun to watch with her. He was a bit timid at first. He didn't want to touch her and was nervous about her "angel kisses". Landry was also worried that I was going to die in the hospital. Fortunately we have friends like the Croys. KB handled him so well and let him ask her questions and helped him work through his fears. By Wednesday when he came up he couldn't wait to hold her, and talk to her. Last night he introduced himself to Jentri as Landry Tate Phipps, her "Big" brother. It was sweet. Tonight we discovered that Landry also believes that he is big enough and strong enough to lift her and carry her.

Needless to say we had to discuss some ground rules with carrying Jentri. He is eager to help in any way, except changing diapers. Big surprise. It has been so much fun having many visitors, phone calls, and text messages. Our stay at the hospital was WONDERFUL... we were blessed to have incredible nurses care for us along with the different doctors who stopped to check on us. Now we get to get down to the business of life at home. Or at least temporary life here in Little Elm, as we will soon be heading to Atlanta. I have attached a few cute pics. I'm sure they won't be the last! You know how I am about adding photos.
Keep posting pictures and all the news. I have had the rottenest of days plus a real pity party on my behalf. I want to be with you all soon. Don't know what I can do about that though. Love Landry and Jentri for us.
What a beautiful little girl. She has a ton of hair. Just wait until you get to braid it and put it in pony tails!!! I hope you are feeling well. I've been thinking about you and am so glad that the delivery went well. Get lots of rest and make Brett change lots of diapers!!!
"Aunt" KB can't wait to get those pictures up on the walls of her new place!!
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